Charles River Wheelers

Newton-Weston Donut Ride (23 or 36 or 52 miles)

  • 2024-08-11
  • 8:45 AM - 11:30 AM
  • 1172 Beacon St., Newton MA
  • 59



CRW Rides are open to members and guests. Guests may attend two rides before being required to join the club. Please click the Register button to the left to join the ride. Helmets are required on all CRW rides.

Ride Description: 

The Newton Donut ride-- join us!

Enjoy this delightful ride with a friendly group. The 23 mile route spans Newton and Weston, passing by beautiful historic homes. The 36 miles adds Sudbury and the 52 reaches Stow. 

Why is it called a donut ride? Because we have a pre-ride social gathering for anyone who wants to join at the Dunkin Donuts next door to the ride start, with a free coffee and donut on CRW's tab.

The ride is show-and-go, which means everyone goes at their own pace. Be sure to download the GPS or print a cue sheet ahead (no printed copies at the ride start). Please don't rely on being able to follow someone else as there's no set pace. 

*If this ride is canceled for weather issues it will be listed as canceled the night  before so check here in the a.m. before you head out.

We look forward to seeing you on the ride!

Ride Start Location:

1. The ride start and parking is behind the dark red/brown condo building at 1172 Beacon St., Newton. The parking is free but please park in the back only (not the side).  

2. The pre-ride social is right next door at the Dunkin Donuts at 1148 Beacon St., Newton (it has bathrooms). It is a 1 minute walk from the ride start. 


     a.  The pre-ride social is from 845am to 915am at Dunkin Donuts For the free coffee and donut (or anything else, up to $5 per person), ask Lisa for the credit card. Anytime up to 'last call' at 910a).

     b. The ride: pre-ride overview is at 9:20am, and the ride will begin promptly at 9:30am 

Ride Leader:

Lisa Najavits (617-299-1620, text or call)

Link to RwGPS Route

© Charles River Wheelers, a 501(c)3 Organization

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