Charles River Wheelers

WheelPeople: Your Bike Club Newsletter

Stay up-to-date with the latest Charles River Wheelers news, events, and rides. Our WheelPeople newsletter is tailored for current and prospective members seeking bike-related updates, expert advice, and cycling inspiration.

WheelPeople offers club and member news as well as informational content from third parties. Views expressed in third-party content belong to the author(s) and not CRW. Consult a professional for advice on health, legal matters, or finance. CRW does not endorse linked content or products. Content published in WheelPeople is owned by Charles River Wheelers (CRW) unless otherwise stated. 

Don't miss a beat – join our vibrant community today! Access our archived issues here.

  • 2024-06-29 4:18 PM | Wheel People (Administrator)

    By Jeff Dieffenbach

    It's been on the order of a decade since gravel entered my bloodstream. A few years after that, I took possession of a gravel bike, selling my road bike to cover a second set of wheels I'd mount up with road tires on the rare occasions that tarmac beckoned. At about that time, the Unbound Gravel 200 (then called Dirty Kanza) took up full-time residence on my radar screen.

    I decided that I'd use the occasion of my 60th birthday to give it a go in 2024. As a planner/overthinker extraordinaire, I wanted an advance peek at the lay of the (Emporia KS) land. That peek back at the end of May/beginning of June also afforded me the opportunity to put in 10+ hours of volunteer time to let me bypass next year's lottery and gain automatic entry. This blog post shares what I learned.

  • 2024-06-29 4:17 PM | Wheel People (Administrator)

    By John Allen

    What is a Complete Street? And how well is the concept being applied?  As a cyclist, you need to know.

    Complete Street Definition

    A Complete Street is described in planning literature as one which is safe and practical, pleasant even, for modes of transportation up to a contextually appropriate limit of speed, traffic volume, and vehicle size. A Complete Street serves pedestrians and bicyclists well, and at least local motor traffic. 

    The speed limit is low enough that pedestrians can safely cross the street. There are crosswalks, signalized where that is warranted. Restrictions on motor traffic work down from the largest vehicles to what is appropriate in context. That approach to vehicle types and sizes has been traditional on DCR parkways, quaintly limited to “pleasure vehicles only”, a definition which over the years has been pushed wider to cover passenger cars and small cargo vans.

    Hammond Pond Parkway Reconstruction: A Complete Street?

    On Thursday, June 13, I joined representatives of Bike Newton and the Central Transportation Planning Staff for a ride to visit special bicycle facilities in Newton. One was DCR’s Hammond Pond Parkway, now under reconstruction.

    Hammond Pond Parkway was overbuilt in the mid 20th Century as a 4- lane speedway, reflecting car culture that turned parkways into highways. It would certainly not rate as bicycle-friendly, though I have ridden it, controlling the outside lane (and so demonstrating that the parkway was overbuilt, because motorists could always pass me without delay). The terrain is rolling, with a long, steep slope down to Route 9 at the southern end. 

    The DCR is currently taking the mile-long segment of the Parkway between Beacon Street and Route 9 down to two lanes, installing a 12- foot wide shared-use path 15 feet from the roadway on the west side and a 4-foot wide sidewalk on the east side. The current project imagines Hammond Pond Parkway as a pleasant, park-like experience for bicyclists.

    The segment: 

    A map with a red line Description automatically generated

    Go to the RidewithGPS version of this map, so you can change to Satellite View or Street View and explore more widely.

    I commented on this project when it was in the planning stage. At that time, there was a discussion about making the roadway 28 feet wide, marginally wide enough for today’s “pleasure vehicles” to pass bicyclists. A bit wider would be nice, but that is in the nature of political compromise.  

    So, what is the problem, then? How well will Hammond Pond Parkway meet the definition of a Complete Street?

    Is it Really Complete?

    The roadway will, as I found out during the expedition to Newton, have only two narrow travel lanes, with no shoulders – 22 or 24 feet, as you can see in the background of the photo below. The roadway will therefore work well only for someone in a motor vehicle that can hold the speed limit. The parallel path is conceived of as for everyone else. 

    The DCR’s Dan Driscoll describes the reconstruction of Hammond Pond Parkway, now underway. A paved path will be in the strip behind the people listening.

    The DCR’s Dan Driscoll describes the reconstruction of Hammond Pond Parkway, now underway. A paved path will be in the strip behind the people listening. 

    Let me be clear: I like the idea of a path for park access and a park experience. But -- the Parkway is not only a route in a park, it is a transportation route through a park. It connects Newton Center with the large Chestnut Hill shopping malls and residential areas beyond. Bicyclists, e-bike users and motor scooter operators will want to travel this segment end to end.  

    Safety Issues

    Safety is often raised as a rationale for paths. But faster bicyclists, e-bike and motor scooter users are a poor and unsafe fit on a path shared with pedestrians and family bicyclists. Problems become worse with steep slopes. Nationwide, governments are grappling with the safety issues of faster e-bike traffic on paths. A local example: 15 mph speed limit signs have been installed on the Minuteman Commuter Bikeway – which is flat, being a rail trail, and where faster traffic may use parallel Massachusetts Avenue. There is no such convenient alternative to Hammond Pond Parkway.

    Proponents of the Hammond Pond Parkway project objected to adding a few feet of roadway width on the grounds that this would reduce spacing to the path and impede storm water infiltration. I contend that a few more feet of roadway width would hardly make a difference in the middle of hundreds of acres of parkland into which water could infiltrate.

    Is it Practical for Bicycle Transportation? E-bikes? Motor Scooters? Year-round?

    The path will cross parking-lot entrances and roads in crosswalks, adding delay and inconvenience. Traversal of multiple crosswalks will be needed at the Route 9 end of the segment. With such treatments, users become impatient and choose their own times and ways to cross, becoming unpredictable and increasing risk. If bicycles are to be competitive with motor vehicles and public transportation, they must not be subject to unnecessary delays, or held to low speeds.

    The narrowed roadway is crowned and has storm drains. The proposed path, on the other hand, will be unusable or unsafe for weeks or months at a time in winter even if plowed, lacking drainage -- unless heavily salted (unhealthy for vegetation and bicycles).

    So, the most practical solution in winter is to give up on the idea of bicycling and leave the path unplowed and unsalted for cross- country skiing and snowshoeing.

    Years ago, the DCR applied the same configuration (a narrow, shoulderless roadway and parallel path) to Metropolitan Parkway in Waltham, shown in the following video: Metropolitan Parkway is  very lightly traveled, so riding on the roadway is practical. Bicyclists on the roadway of Hammond Pond Parkway would have queues of cars behind them and would invite harassment.

    Be Careful What You ask For -- and Just Be Careful

    All in all, with Hammond Pond Parkway, the positive environmental and social goal of improving access to parkland has pushed aside the positive environmental and social goal of safe and convenient transportation other than in motor vehicles. The problem is worse for operators of motor scooters, whether electrically or gasoline powered. They are legal on roadways and in bike lanes, but prohibited from using paths. Don’t expect any ban or speed limit to be enforced, though, so be careful…

    So much for the idea of a Complete Street.

    I have applauded the efforts of the DCR and particularly Dan Driscoll in extending the paths along the Charles River upstream to Waltham. I have supported the reasonable narrowing of Charles River Road and Nonantum Road, as well as construction of the Cochituate Rail Trail, the Mass Central Rail Trail, Bruce Freeman Trail and other trail projects. Those projects all have improved bicycle access without compromising access on roads. The Hammond Pond Parkway project, on the other hand, proposes to forego much of the potential of the Parkway for bicycle, e-bike, and motor scooter transportation, and so is fundamentally different in its impact.

    If you are going to ride Hammond Pond Parkway in its new configuration, please make sure that your brakes are in good working order, and be cautious!

    If you see plans for a road reconfiguration project in your community, please make your voice heard to see that it is actually a Complete Street, properly accommodating all anticipated uses.

    *For Reference:*

    I rode the segment of Hammond Pond Parkway under discussion on November 25, 2021. My travel speeds ranged from 6.5 to 30 miles per hour southbound, and 5 to 21 miles per hour northbound.

    Video of my ride southbound

    Video of my ride northbound

  • 2024-06-29 4:12 PM | Wheel People (Administrator)

    By Amy Juodawlkis

    CRW is excited to announce a partnership with local bike shop Quad Cycles1043 Massachusetts Ave, Arlington, offering members exclusive benefits:

    • 15% discount on all merchandise, including bikes and parts
    • Expedited "same day" service on standard repairs (bike must be brought in before noon; excludes extensive repairs or special-order parts)

    Rustem Gode, owner of Quad Cycles, said, "We're proud to partner with CRW. By working together, we can promote the growth of cycling and support the passionate individuals in our community."

    To enjoy these benefits, simply present your CRW membership card at Quad Cycles. We believe this partnership will enhance your cycling experience and provide more value to your CRW membership. Happy cycling!

    Quad Cycles
    1043 Massachusetts Ave, Arlington, MA 02476
    Phone: (781) 648-5222

    To present an electronic version of your membership card via the Wild Apricot Member App:

    1. Click the My Profile tab.

    2. Click the My Card button.

    To download a printable PDF version via the CRW Website:

    1. Click on your name in the top right corner to go to your profile.

    2. Click on Printable PDF below the card image.

    Members: We are currently in the process of updating our database of local bike store discounts so that we may present a full list on our website. If  you would like to help with this effort, please complete our Volunteer Interest Form. Thank you!!!

  • 2024-06-29 3:59 PM | Barbara Jacobs (Administrator)

    Cancelling Your Ride Registration

    By Amy Juodawlkis

    When the unexpected happens, and you can't make that CRW ride you're registered for, please go ahead and cancel your registration so we're not needlessly waiting for you at the ride start.

    Here are three ways to cancel your registration:

    Option 1: Cancel from your CRW Website User Profile

    1. Click on your name in the top right corner to go to your profile.
    2. Select "My Event Registrations" and find the event you wish to cancel.
    3. Click on "Confirmed" next to the event registration.
    4. On the next page, click "Cancel Registration" to cancel your registration.

    Option 2: Cancel from the CRW Website Event Page

    1. Open the Event Calendar and select the event you want to cancel.
    2. On the event page, click "Already registered" in the left panel.
    3. This opens the registration form with a "Cancel Registration" button, which you can click to cancel.

    Option 3: Cancel from the CRW Member Mobile App

    1. In the Wild Apricot mobile app, select "My Tickets".
    2. Select the event you want to cancel.
    3. Click "Cancel" to cancel your registration.

    NOTE: Ride Leaders can also cancel registrations via the CRW Admin Mobile App: 1. Click on the rider's name in the event's Registrants list; 2. Click on the (...) button; 3. Select Delete.


    Adding Your Picture to Your Profile on the CRW Website

    By Barbara Jacobs

    It is very easy to add your picture to your profile on the CRW Website. Follow these steps:

    1. Log in to the website.
    2. Click on your name at the top of the page - this brings you to your "My Profile" page.
    3. Click on "Edit Profile".
    4. Scroll down until you see "Avatar".
    5. Click on " Choose File".
    6. Find and click on the picture you want to have as your "Avatar".
    7. Go back to the top of the page and "Save".
  • 2024-06-01 4:08 PM | Randolph Williams Admin (Administrator)

    One of the most requested features from our recent member survey was the ability to synchronize the club event calendar with personal calendars. We are excited to announce that this feature is now available! By following the steps below, you can ensure that you never miss out on any of our exciting events.

    How to Sync the CRW Event Calendar with Google Calendar:

    1. Open Your Google Calendar:

      Begin by opening your Google Calendar in a web browser.

    2. Find the "Other Calendars" Section:

      On the left side of the screen, locate the "Other calendars" section.

    3. Add a New Calendar:

      Click the plus sign (+) next to "Other calendars."

    4. Select "From URL":

      In the menu that appears, select the "From URL" option.

    5. Enter the Calendar URL:

      Input the following URL into the provided field:

    6. Add the Calendar:

      Click "Add calendar." Google will automatically sync the CRW event calendar to your personal Google Calendar and display the events.

    Important Notes:

    • Update Frequency: Please note that changes made to the shared calendar may not be instantly visible. Google Calendar updates can take up to 12 hours to reflect new or updated events.

    By syncing the CRW event calendar with your personal calendar, you’ll have easy access to all club activities right at your fingertips. This feature will help you stay informed and make the most of your membership with the Charles River Wheelers. Happy cycling!

    For further assistance or if you encounter any issues, please contact our contact us form.

  • 2024-06-01 2:41 PM | Randolph Williams Admin (Administrator)

    Dear CRW Members,

    It is with mixed emotions that we announce the resignation of Eli Post as the editor of WheelPeople, effective June 1, 2024. For the past several years, Eli has been the driving force behind our beloved newsletter, dedicating countless hours to ensure that each issue is informative, engaging, and reflective of our vibrant cycling community.

    Eli’s passion for cycling and his commitment to CRW have been evident in every edition of WheelPeople. His editorial vision has helped shape the publication into a cornerstone of our club, providing members with ride updates, cycling tips, and captivating stories from our community. Under his leadership, WheelPeople has not only informed but also inspired us all. 

    We want to take this opportunity to thank Eli for his outstanding service. His hard work, creativity, and dedication have left an indelible mark on CRW. Eli has graciously agreed to work with Barbara Jacobs on the June issue and will assist his successor to ensure a smooth transition. Eli will continue to contribute as a writer, sharing his insights and experiences with us in future articles.

    One of Eli's upcoming projects is a collaborative article with his son about the geographical distribution of our membership—a testament to his ongoing commitment to CRW. We are excited to see his future contributions and are grateful for his continued involvement.

    Eli’s decision to step down comes due to personal health reasons. While we will miss his leadership as editor, we understand and fully support his decision. We are fortunate that Eli will remain a part of our community and continue to share his passion for cycling with us.

    Please join us in expressing our heartfelt thanks to Eli for his years of exceptional service and dedication. We wish him all the best in his health and future endeavors. Eli, your contributions have made a significant impact, and we look forward to seeing you on the road and reading your inspiring articles in WheelPeople.

    With gratitude,

    Randolph Williams
    President, Charles River Wheelers

  • 2024-05-30 2:32 PM | Wheel People (Administrator)

    Cape in a Day Too, June 22

    Join CRW for this one-way 105 mile ride that starts from the MBTA train station in Braintree and goes south through mostly quiet roads all the way to Cape Cod.

    You will enjoy great scenery along the coast and down the Shining Sea Bike Path, grab lunch in Woods Hole and maybe stop for some beach time before catching the Cape Flyer in Hyannis back to Braintree.

    Register Now!

    Ride Leader(s): Jerry Skurla 

    The Willie Hume Pneumatic Classic celebrates the 1889 debut of pneumatic tires in bike racing, June 30

    On May 18th, 1889 the captain of the Belfast Cruisers Cycling Club was the first person to compete in a bike race on newfangled "sausage tyres" invented in 1887 by Scotland's John Boyd Dunlap (

    Willie Hume  won "all four cycling events in sensational fashion from riders of repute" at the Queen's College Sports held on the North of Ireland Cricket Club Grounds.

    The Pneumatic Classic features 2 late morning rides (25m & 40m) departing from the Dirigible Brewery in Littleton, MA.

    After finishing the rides we'll toast Willie and John's accomplishments - and marvel at today's tubeless tires - with Dirigible's craft brews and food. 

    Ride Start Location:  

    Dirigible Brewery in Littleton, MA. 

    Ride Leader(s):

    Jerry Skurla 

    Bikepacking 101, July 6-7

    In its 4th season, Bikepacking 101 is a two day, one night introduction to "bikepacking," which means all overnight gear is carried on your trusty bike, NOT your back.  

    The trip starts in St. Johnsbury, Vermont. The first day’s 38-mile route is on paved road, dirt roads in New Hampshire and a section of the Cross Vermont rail trail, finishing at Ricker Pond State Campground in Vermont which features a swimming beach and modern bathhouse. 

    The second day’s 39-mile ride includes more Cross Vermont rail trail, a unique hardware store & bar in Cabot, Vermont, and a wonderful LONG descent on the Lamoille Valley rail trail back to the start in St. Johnsbury.

    Register Now!

    Climb to the Clouds, August 11

    This legendary CRW ride will test your biking abilities with two challenging routes climbing up Mount Wachusett. There is a century length ride with 6,324 feet of climbing or a metric century with 3,358 feet of climbing. To help you succeed there are rest stops along the way.

    Come climb this iconic Massachusetts mountain and bask in the glorious views of New England with CRW this August!

    Register Now!

    Image courtesy of

  • 2024-05-30 2:32 PM | Wheel People (Administrator)

    3rd Annual Spring Swap Meet & Rides, May 5th

    By Jerry Skurla

    Both riders and bargain hunters enjoyed a fine spring day for the 3rd Annual Spring Swap Meet & Rides in Lexington on May 11.  

    Almost 50 riders turned out to ride. Kudos to Lindy King, who led the 10 am ride of 38 miles, and Mary & Larry Kernan,  co-leaders of the 25 mile ride that rolled out at 11 am.  Both groups arrived back at Harrington Middle School just as the Swap Meet was opening at 1pm.

    A vintage Fuji bike brought by Greg Stathis found a new home, numerous basements and garages now have more space, and many folks found valuable gems on the extra long "Free Stuff" tables.

    Ron Cater and Jerry Skurla transported all unclaimed items to the Bike Connector in Lowell, MA, where they will so find new homes.

    Paceline Clinic

    By Julie Stephenson and John O'Dowd

    CRW held a paceline clinic Saturday, May 18 at the MBTA overflow parking lot in Lincoln. The clinic was led by CRW members/Northeast Bicycle Club (NEBC) instructors Ed Kross, Mark McMaster, Colete Trenchard, and Julie Stephenson.

    These four leaders have been racing for many years, and know the advantages of working a paceline under tense and speedy conditions.  Mark initiated the Introduction to Bicycle Racing Clinic at NEBC back in the 90's, and Ed took over some years later. From those clinics, NEBC gained some great racing talent, some of which went on to race at the National level. 

    Fortunately, earlier rain stopped before the clinic began. Ed explained some fundamentals about pacelining and gave tips and examples from his own experience. He had a few people form a line and the group walked through how a paceline works. People had a chance to ask questions. Participants were asked to focus on being in the paceline, maintaining a consistent distance between themselves and the person in front of them, signaling before turning, slowing down or stopping, and pointing out potholes or road issues.

    Nine participants were divided into two groups. Ed and Colette led one group and Mark and Julie led another.  Colette and Julie rode at the front of their respective groups and Ed and Mark rode beside the groups to offer tips and feedback. Groups then started to rotate in a paceline formation with the front person coming off of the front after instructed to do so by Ed and Mark. This was repeated a number of times, with Ed and Mark making sure there were no cars approaching and that it was safe for people to rotate. 

    Everyone was progressing well so participants were instructed to come off the front of the paceline when they felt it was safe to do so after at least 30 seconds in the lead position, then coast to the back of the line. This exercise was repeated and feedback was given as needed. Around noon the groups joined up again, and everyone had an opportunity to ask more questions in a discussion format. 

    No matter the level of experience, formal instruction in any sport is always helpful to the participants, and also to the instructors. CRW is working to offer members more clinics like these to improve riding skills and safety.

    North to New Hampshire Century

    By John O'Dowd

    A persistent cold drizzle could not stop determined CRW members and volunteers from making the North to New Hampshire century event on May 19 a success. Riders and volunteers were at the start bright and early to kick off the event.

    New this year was the all-digital check in process. No more paper! Volunteers checked in riders with the press of a button. Also new were the rubber wristbands with the emergency sag number. Gone are the paper wristbands which required a volunteer to put on. Veteran volunteers said they never had check-in go so smoothly.

    This year we had seven led groups of various distances and speeds. Larry Kernan, Clyde Kessel, Barbara Martin, Peter Sliker, and Keren Hamel/Tsachi Avrahami all led groups. One of our newest ride leaders, Melissa Quirk, stepped up and led a group, too. Our Devo program coordinator, Andre Wolfe, led a “power group” doing the 100-mile route at a blinding 21+ mph pace!

    Another great new feature was mechanical support at the start, courtesy of Bikes Not Bombs’ head mechanic Sterling Storm.

    Century coordinator Mark Nardone brought his ultimate support vehicle, the “Grendel”. This huge Mercedes camper carried more equipment than any SUV could ever hope to, AND provided a canopy and some rocking tunes!

    Out on the course, the Groveland rest stop was single- handedly crewed by veteran CRW volunteer Bill Haynes. Maudslay State Park rest stop was crewed by Tim Wilson, Gail Walker, and Jim Iannone who reported their rest stop was the envy of an adjacent road race. Finally, the Georgetown rest stop, run by Mellissa Desouza and Micheal Lonetto, kept shivering wet riders fueled and encouraged to cover the last 25 miles.

    Century coordinator Erik D'entremont trucked in amazing Hearth Pizza from Needham, which was quickly handed out to our hungry riders by Barbara Jacobs and Ted Nyder, along with the cool gear medallion to symbolize their victory over the hostile riding conditions.

    Congratulations to the two women (pictured below) who rode their first Century at the N2NH Event. What an accomplishment!


    Our last rider rolled in after 4:00 and finished off the pizza. Foul weather cannot stop committed CRW riders and volunteers!

  • 2024-05-30 2:31 PM | Wheel People (Administrator)

    By Barbara Jacobs

    The Bike Thursday Ride series is a weekly ride that runs between May and October for cyclists that enjoy riding at a slower pace of 10-12.5 mph. The routes are usually in the western suburbs, but could be in other areas. All rides are scenic, usually on low traveled roads. Bike Thursday is a very social ride that includes a picnic lunch at or near the start location. Sometimes there are stores available to purchase food, other times we bring lunch and hang out together. 

    The rides are between 20-25 miles and take 2+ hours. At the start we break up into 3 groups of 10-14 riders each. 

    Bike Thursday is a "led ride". There is always a ride leader (approved by CRW) and a sweep (chosen from the group of riders) for each group, and "human arrows" are used to help keep the group together.  

    People often wonder why there a limit of 36 participants (including leaders) on Bike Thursday rides. Since we break into 3 groups of riders based on average speed (ranging from 10 to 12+ mph overall), we have 3 volunteer leaders each take out a group of 10-14 people. We have found that this is a safe and enjoyable group size for these rides.

    Here is the ride grouping for each Bike Thursday ride:

    • Group 1: riders between 12-13 mph overall
    • Group 2: riders between 11-12 mph overall
    • Group 3: riders between 10-11 mph overall

    Parking is another reason there is a limit to the number of riders.  Some of the places we park at are public which is great if they have a lot of parking spaces. In other cases we get permission from a store, church, or school to park in their lots. It is best not to overwhelm these parking lots with lots of cars.

    If the ride is already full when you attempt to register you can add yourself to the waitlist. If there are cancellations, people on the waitlist will be added to the ride in the order that they signed up.

    People often ask where the ride starts. In the weekly ride description the city/town that the ride starts in is listed. Once you register for the ride, you will receive a "confirmation email" from Charles River Wheelers. This email will provide you with the ride start location and the Ride with GPS route link.  

    Interested in learning more about Bike Thursday? Email

  • 2024-05-30 2:30 PM | Wheel People (Administrator)

    Ride Leaders needed

    by John O'Dowd

    Please consider leading during the weekends, both Saturday and Sunday's are great times to lead rides and support your club. Please connect with the VP of Rides if you need some assistance. 

    Ride Leader Incentives

    by Norma Loehr

    In 2024 we want to do even more to show our Ride Leaders just how much we appreciate their time and efforts!

    While we currently have incentives in place for Ride Leaders who are occasional leaders in the form of kick-off and year-end parties and a yearly gift, this new rewards program is designed to recognize our super-leaders: those who go above-and-beyond for CRW and our members.

    There are six awards categories for our super Ride Leaders.

    For the following categories, the top three Ride Leaders will receive a $50 gift card plus a free one-year membership to CRW. 

    • Most Recurring rides led

    • Most Non-recurring rides led

    For the following categories, the top three ride Co-leaders will receive a $25 gift card.

    • Most Recurring rides co-led

    • Most Non-recurring rides co-led

    For the following categories, the top Ride Leader will receive a $50 gift card plus a free one-year membership to CRW:

    • Most rides by a new Ride Leader (class of 2024)

    • Most feedback from members

    We will publish and regularly update a leaderboard for the general Ride Leader and Co-leader categories so you can track your progress throughout the season. The new Ride Leader and feedback categories are more complicated to track so there will not be a regularly published leaderboard. All awards will be presented at the annual Ride Leader party in November (you do not need to be present to win). 

    For more information on this rewards program, see the following FAQ.


    Who is eligible for these awards?

    All active Ride Leaders are eligible except our board members. You will still see board members on the leaderboard, though!

    What rides count towards these awards?

    Rides posted publicly on the CRW Ride Calendar and that took place are eligible. Special riding workshops and rides designed for a subset of rider types (e.g. devo, gravel, Women’s/NB) are eligible.

    The following are not eligible:

    • Rides canceled for any reason

    • Rides added to the calendar after the ride has occurred

    • Virtual rides

    • Non-ride events (e.g., lecture, tutorial, party)

    What do I need to do to be sure my ride counts towards these rewards?

    1. Create a detailed ride listing. A great ride listing will have the following information, as applicable:

    • Route description

    • Ride start time and location (or town)

    • Affiliated ride program and/or intended audience (e.g., devo, intro to gravel, mellow/recovery)

    • Ride type, size, and pace(s) supported

    • Ride Leader name and contact information; Co-leader name(s)

    • Any additional logistical information (e.g., parking, rest rooms, planned stops)

    • If the route is not included in the posting, how and when the route will be communicated to registered riders (the link to Ride with GPS route may be emailed directly to registered members)

    • Any ride group email list must be easily joined, with instructions to do so included in the event posting

    Remember: You want to reach your intended rider audience AND members need enough information to determine if a ride is “for them”.

    2. Post your ride on the CRW Ride Calendar. Remember to set registration number limit, if needed.

    3. Register yourself using the Ride Leader ticket type.

    4. Have any Co-leaders register using the Co-leader ticket type.

    Can someone win in multiple categories?

    No. An individual may only win in one category. If someone is in the top three in multiple categories, the one where they have the highest rank is the one where they will win. The category (ies) where they ranked lower, the next leader after them will be awarded the prize.

    What if there are other rider leaders on the ride I am leading? Do they get a Ride Leader credit?

    No. There is only one Ride Leader per ride. The Ride Leader must be listed in the ride listing and registered for the ride using the Ride Leader ticket type.

    How do I get credited as a Co-leader?

    Co-leader(s) will be confirmed with the Ride Leader ahead of time and registered for the ride using the Co-leader ticket type before the ride takes place. 

    I am leading a pace group for someone else’s ride, do I get Ride Leader credit?

    No. However, if you are listed as a Co-leader and registered for the ride using the Co-leader ticket type, you will receive a Co-leader credit. For our Century rides, all participating Ride Leaders leading a pace group are Co-leaders, as the Ride Leader responsibilities were fulfilled by the club.

    How is this data being tracked?

    Data will be drawn from the CRW calendar/registration system so that everything can be tracked automatically. Data cannot be submitted in any other form.

    When do rides need to occur to be considered for 2024?

    Winners will be selected based on CRW Ride Calendar data from Jan 1, 2024 through the day before the annual Ride Leader party in November 2024.

    When are the winners announced?

    Winners will be announced and rewarded with their prize at the Ride Leader party in November. Winners do not need to be present to win. Winners will receive an email with information on how to collect their prize and they will be recognized in WheelPeople.

© Charles River Wheelers, a 501(c)3 Organization

Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software