Charles River Wheelers

Ride Leaders' Corner

2024-05-30 2:30 PM | Wheel People (Administrator)

Ride Leaders needed

by John O'Dowd

Please consider leading during the weekends, both Saturday and Sunday's are great times to lead rides and support your club. Please connect with the VP of Rides if you need some assistance. 

Ride Leader Incentives

by Norma Loehr

In 2024 we want to do even more to show our Ride Leaders just how much we appreciate their time and efforts!

While we currently have incentives in place for Ride Leaders who are occasional leaders in the form of kick-off and year-end parties and a yearly gift, this new rewards program is designed to recognize our super-leaders: those who go above-and-beyond for CRW and our members.

There are six awards categories for our super Ride Leaders.

For the following categories, the top three Ride Leaders will receive a $50 gift card plus a free one-year membership to CRW. 

  • Most Recurring rides led

  • Most Non-recurring rides led

For the following categories, the top three ride Co-leaders will receive a $25 gift card.

  • Most Recurring rides co-led

  • Most Non-recurring rides co-led

For the following categories, the top Ride Leader will receive a $50 gift card plus a free one-year membership to CRW:

  • Most rides by a new Ride Leader (class of 2024)

  • Most feedback from members

We will publish and regularly update a leaderboard for the general Ride Leader and Co-leader categories so you can track your progress throughout the season. The new Ride Leader and feedback categories are more complicated to track so there will not be a regularly published leaderboard. All awards will be presented at the annual Ride Leader party in November (you do not need to be present to win). 

For more information on this rewards program, see the following FAQ.


Who is eligible for these awards?

All active Ride Leaders are eligible except our board members. You will still see board members on the leaderboard, though!

What rides count towards these awards?

Rides posted publicly on the CRW Ride Calendar and that took place are eligible. Special riding workshops and rides designed for a subset of rider types (e.g. devo, gravel, Women’s/NB) are eligible.

The following are not eligible:

  • Rides canceled for any reason

  • Rides added to the calendar after the ride has occurred

  • Virtual rides

  • Non-ride events (e.g., lecture, tutorial, party)

What do I need to do to be sure my ride counts towards these rewards?

1. Create a detailed ride listing. A great ride listing will have the following information, as applicable:

  • Route description

  • Ride start time and location (or town)

  • Affiliated ride program and/or intended audience (e.g., devo, intro to gravel, mellow/recovery)

  • Ride type, size, and pace(s) supported

  • Ride Leader name and contact information; Co-leader name(s)

  • Any additional logistical information (e.g., parking, rest rooms, planned stops)

  • If the route is not included in the posting, how and when the route will be communicated to registered riders (the link to Ride with GPS route may be emailed directly to registered members)

  • Any ride group email list must be easily joined, with instructions to do so included in the event posting

Remember: You want to reach your intended rider audience AND members need enough information to determine if a ride is “for them”.

2. Post your ride on the CRW Ride Calendar. Remember to set registration number limit, if needed.

3. Register yourself using the Ride Leader ticket type.

4. Have any Co-leaders register using the Co-leader ticket type.

Can someone win in multiple categories?

No. An individual may only win in one category. If someone is in the top three in multiple categories, the one where they have the highest rank is the one where they will win. The category (ies) where they ranked lower, the next leader after them will be awarded the prize.

What if there are other rider leaders on the ride I am leading? Do they get a Ride Leader credit?

No. There is only one Ride Leader per ride. The Ride Leader must be listed in the ride listing and registered for the ride using the Ride Leader ticket type.

How do I get credited as a Co-leader?

Co-leader(s) will be confirmed with the Ride Leader ahead of time and registered for the ride using the Co-leader ticket type before the ride takes place. 

I am leading a pace group for someone else’s ride, do I get Ride Leader credit?

No. However, if you are listed as a Co-leader and registered for the ride using the Co-leader ticket type, you will receive a Co-leader credit. For our Century rides, all participating Ride Leaders leading a pace group are Co-leaders, as the Ride Leader responsibilities were fulfilled by the club.

How is this data being tracked?

Data will be drawn from the CRW calendar/registration system so that everything can be tracked automatically. Data cannot be submitted in any other form.

When do rides need to occur to be considered for 2024?

Winners will be selected based on CRW Ride Calendar data from Jan 1, 2024 through the day before the annual Ride Leader party in November 2024.

When are the winners announced?

Winners will be announced and rewarded with their prize at the Ride Leader party in November. Winners do not need to be present to win. Winners will receive an email with information on how to collect their prize and they will be recognized in WheelPeople.


  • 2024-06-04 6:03 PM | Mike Togo (Administrator)
    John, Do I have to sign up to be in CRW Ride Leaders incentive program? I have been leading recurring rides all year-round for many years. Do you have a year-long Ride leaders catergory? You should add one if you do not..

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