Charles River Wheelers

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  • 2024-07-25 3:14 PM | Anonymous

    Town you live in? I'm in Lexington, originally from Illinois.

    What led to you joining CRW and what do you enjoy most about being a member? I first joined after discovering bicycle tours as being a great way to explore other countries. I stopped after having two kids and then rejoined last year to find other cyclists with whom I could ride.

    What is your best advice for a new club member? Join rides and make friends with other members who ride at similar speeds and with whom you “click.” Last summer, I made some friends from the “fast group” on the Lexington Social Revolutions rides; and we have been riding together ever since. They are now among my best friends; and we all support and encourage each other. Joining them for rides also provides extra motivation.

    When did you become a Ride Leader? Just this spring!

    What led to you becoming a ride leader? To help make the Lexington Social Revolutions ride a regular feature.

    What types of rides are you planning on leading? Mostly, the Lexington Social Revolutions ride.

    How long have you been cycling, and what initially got you interested in the sport? I had a bike in college and became interested in mountain biking after joining NEMBA soon after I moved here. Taking bike tours made me appreciate road cycling even more, as I could maintain a more consistent effort and cover more ground.

    What is your favorite thing about cycling? The beauty of transporting myself with such an efficient and timeless device (the bicycle); and, of course, riding with friends or family is even better. Plus, I know of no better way to intimately explore a place.

    How many miles a year do you typically ride? I am currently on track to ride about 3,700 miles this year (more than 10/day, which is the most I have ever done).

    What is your greatest cycling accomplishment? Completing the Cape Town Cycle Tour last spring, which is 109 km along the western cape of South Africa. My new goal is to complete my first imperial century this fall.

    What is your favorite road or trail to ride on? The best trail I have ever ridden is the Tony Knowles Coastal Trail from Anchorage, Alaska–bald eagles, bears, so much nature.

    What is your favorite route to ride? My favorite local trail is the Bruce Freeman rail trail. I also appreciate my work commute–Minuteman Bikeway to Green Line extension path.

    What is your favorite post-ride food or drink? I start earlier–I love a mid-ride coffee / snack break at a nice cafe, such as Ferns or the Harvard General Store.
  • 2024-07-25 3:11 PM | Anonymous

    By John Allen

    If you or someone you are riding with suffers a bicycle crash, the bike needs to be checked out, and the rider too.

    Step 1. Assess and care for the rider

    I have a story about this, just for reference.1983 -- I was riding in Harvard Square, Cambridge, when a wrong-way cyclist headed toward me.  I slalomed, trying to get him to move aside. Bad move, I lost control of my bicycle and fell on top of it.

    I got up.  A quick check showed no obvious damage to the bike. It was my Raleigh Twenty city bike, which is pretty much bombproof. As I rode the mile home to Somerville, I could feel bone grinding against bone in my groin, but I felt no pain whatsoever until I was 100 feet from my front door. I was in shock. A primitive nesting instinct had overridden rational thought and my ability to feel pain.

    X-rays the next day showed that I had broken my pelvis. Fortunately, the pelvis has three rami (loops, no relation to the former CRW president!) on each side. Only two on the right side were broken. The third one held everything in place. I was off crutches after three weeks.

    Had my injury been a bit different, I could have worsened it by riding. The prudent course of action when I crashed would have been to call 911 (this is much easier now that everyone has cell phones).

    I am no medical expert, so my primary advice here is to recognize that you or your companion who crashed may not be in a normal state of mind following a crash and not necessarily one involving an impact to the head – my crash did not. Err on the side of caution and call for medical assistance.

    And if the crash happens on a CRW ride, work with the ride leader to report the accident to the VP of Rides.

    Step 2. Assess the bicycle

    Damage rendering a bicycle unsafe to ride can occur in a crash, or even without crashing. Even following a trivial crash or if the bicycle just fell over, checking for damage is advisable.

    Here’s a comprehensive article on the topic.  It covers the traditional ABC Quick check, but also how to check for a bent frame or fork and other crash damage. Something as simple and easy to overlook as a bent derailleur hanger can lead to big problems if the derailleur goes into the spokes.

    Some damage will reveal itself through noises. Things may rattle because they are loose, or creak, or clunk. Here’s an article about how to check for the source of noises. Just as an example, I recently rescued a pair of cranks which had begun to creak as they were seating themselves on a new bottom bracket spindle. They would have been ruined if I let the problem go.

    Sometimes there is no workable choice with a damaged bicycle other than to limp home, or to the nearest bike shop. Traditional bicycle design often makes it possible for a cyclist who is reasonably skilled as a mechanic to get a warped wheel true enough to ride. Here is an article which describes wheel-rescue tricks. It may also be possible to straighten a steel frame or fork. But the tricks are less likely to work with newer bikes which emphasize light weight, and then the tool of choice is the cell phone (as it is for any crash when you can’t be reasonably sure that you can safely continue).

    After a significant crash, it good practice to have a reputable bike shop assess your frame for damage and overall safety before you head out on the road again.

    Further reading

    See MassBike’s list of steps you should follow post-crash, including crashes involving a motor vehicle.

    Best though is not to crash, and we have had lots of advice on that in this column!

  • 2024-07-25 3:09 PM | Anonymous

    By Norma Loehr

    Don't forget to register for Climb to the Clouds on August 11, 2024!

    This legendary CRW ride will test your biking abilities with two challenging routes climbing up Mount Wachusett. There is a century length ride with 6,324 feet of climbing or a metric century with 3,358 feet of climbing. To help you succeed there are rest stops along the way.

    Register Now!

  • 2024-07-25 3:07 PM | Anonymous

    By Amy Juodawlkis

    Exploring Vermont with CRW:

    Out and about in the CRW club kit:

  • 2024-07-02 12:31 AM | Randolph Williams Admin (Administrator)

    Board Meeting Summary - June 2, 2024

    The CRW Board of Directors met on June 2, 2024. Key highlights from the meeting include:

    • Approval of the May meeting minutes and several administrative items.
    • Discussion of the club's new Privacy Policy, which will be reviewed by board members and ratified at the July meeting. A new email address was created to handle privacy-related matters.
    • Updates from committees:
      • The Club Promotion and Events Committee is working on a ride leader incentive program.
      • The Rides and Safety Committee presented a new Ride Leader Status Policy, which was unanimously approved and is being introduced this July.
    • A debrief on the recent century ride, which had high turnout despite poor weather. The organizers are working on improving logistics and tracking for future events.
    • The planned June member meeting has been postponed to October/November 2024.
    • Eli Post's resignation as WheelPeople editor was noted. The board thanks Eli for his dedicated service in this role.

    The next board meeting is scheduled for July 7. Members are welcome to contact with any questions or feedback.

  • 2024-07-02 12:23 AM | Randolph Williams Admin (Administrator)

    Dear CRW Members,

    I'm thrilled to share the incredible success of our new Neighborhood Rides initiative, which is already transforming how we ride together in CRW!

    Launched on May 4 in Lexington, MA, our first Neighborhood Ride, aptly named "Social Revolutions," has quickly become a local cycling sensation. The program's popularity was evident when I led a ride on June 15, welcoming 41 registered riders.

    But the numbers tell an even more exciting story. Let's break down the statistics so far:

    • We've had an impressive total of 129 registrations for Neighborhood Rides.
    • 87 participants have been one-time riders, exploring what the program has to offer.
    • An encouraging 42 are repeat riders, joining us for anywhere from 2 to 5 rides already.
    • We're grateful to our 5 dedicated ride leaders and 1 coordinator so far who are making this program possible.

    These numbers speak volumes about the program's appeal and the community it's building. We're especially excited to see so many new faces trying out the rides, as well as the growing group of regulars who are making Neighborhood Rides a part of their cycling routine.

    The Neighborhood Rides program offers several key benefits:

    1. More Ride Locations: We're introducing rides in areas where we have at least 8 potential ride leaders, ensuring a sustainable schedule.
    2. Consistency: Each location will have rides starting at the same time and place weekly, making it easy to plan and participate.
    3. Less Hassle for Leaders: Routes will be pre-selected, and rides will be pre-posted on the calendar. Ride leaders simply need to opt-in and show up!
    4. Club Connections: This format provides a great opportunity to get to know fellow CRW members in your area through reliably scheduled weekly rides.

    Ride Leaders: We're actively seeking input from our ride leaders to identify more locations, determine optimal start times, and establish a network of local rides across the Greater Boston area. If you're interested in leading a Neighborhood Ride in your community, please don't hesitate to reach out.

    I want to extend a special thank you to Norma Loehr coordinating, and all the ride leaders (Diana Antczak, Melissa Quirk, Robert Sayre, and Tariq Kassum) who have helped put Lexington on the map as our first Neighborhood Rides location. Their dedication and enthusiasm are what make CRW such a vibrant cycling community.

    As we continue to develop and expand this program, we welcome members' feedback and suggestions. Together, we can make Neighborhood Rides a cornerstone of CRW's offerings, bringing the joy of group cycling closer to home for all our members.

    Are you excited about the possibility of starting a Neighborhood Ride series in your area? We'd love to hear from you! If you're interested in leading rides or helping to establish a new Neighborhood Ride location, please contact John O'Dowd at John and our rides team are ready to support you in bringing this fantastic program to your community.

    Stay tuned for more Neighborhood Rides coming to a location near you!

    Happy cycling,

    Randolph Williams
    President, Charles River Wheelers

  • 2024-06-29 4:51 PM | Anonymous

    By Mark Nardone and Erik D'Entremont

    Join CRW on August 11 at 7 AM for the Climb to the Clouds (CTTC) Century, departing from Lincoln-Sudbury High School. This ride will challenge cyclists with its numerous ascents and a thrilling climb up the iconic Mt. Wachusett. “The Climb to the Clouds is not just about the physical challenge; it's about  pushing yourself, supporting your fellow riders, and creating unforgettable memories. And if you missed out on earning your medallion last year, now is your chance!” said Mark Nardone, a Century Committee lead organizer.

    Erik D’Entremont, also Century Committee Lead, adds, "We're thrilled to bring back the Climb to the Clouds for another year. This event showcases the best of New England cycling. We can't wait to see everyone at the start!"

    Route Details: The Climb to the Clouds Century will take you on a scenic journey through Lincoln, Princeton and up Mt. Wachusetts. The ride starts at the Lincoln Sudbury HS with the 100 mile ride reaching the top of Mt. Wachusett at mile 38 with a 1995’ climb and 6324’ overall elevation gain.  

    A full supported water stop awaits you at the base of the mountain. There is also a great lunch stop at the Mountainside Bakery and Cafe just after the descent on mountain road. The 60 mile route will circle Wachusetts lake with a lunch stop at the Boylston Deli. All riders will enjoy a fast downhill return through Berlin to Lincoln-Sudbury HS for an after party with sandwiches, chips, pickles, and cold sparkling water.

    Be Prepared: For riders’ enjoyment and safety, we encourage riders to bring a rain shell and most of their nutrition needs on-board. Water-only rest stops will be available at Dexter Drumlin Reservation and Berlin Orchards, while a full-service stop with food, water, and Gatorade awaits at the Mt. Wachusett Visitor Entrance. All rest stops will have porta johns.

     Dexter Drumlin Reservation

    Dexter Drumlin Reservation

    Berlin Orchards

    CTTC is a classic CRW ride and the century ride is one of the more challenging routes, but the views and sense of achievement are unbeatable. Follow this link for registration and more information.

    See you on Sunday, August 11!

  • 2024-06-29 4:26 PM | Anonymous

    by John O'Dowd

    Dear Valued CRW Ride Leaders,

    At the heart of our cycling club are the dedicated individuals who lead our rides and foster our community spirit. Your commitment and enthusiasm make our club thrive, and we're grateful for your continued involvement. To ensure we maintain a vibrant and active leadership roster, we're introducing a new policy on maintaining ride leader status. We believe this update will help us better support our active leaders and encourage increased participation.


    Our club currently has 172 registered ride leaders, with 84 leading rides in the past year. A recent analysis showed that many registered leaders haven't led rides in over a decade. While we understand that personal circumstances change, we want to ensure our roster reflects our active leadership accurately.

    This policy aims to:

    1. Recognize and support active ride leaders

    2. Encourage increased ride leadership participation

    3. Maintain an up-to-date roster of active leaders 

    New Policy Overview

    Effective January 1, 2025, to maintain ride leader status, individuals will need to meet the following criteria:

    • Lead or co-lead at least three rides within a two-year period (the first evaluation period will be from January 1, 2025, to January 1, 2027)

    Implementation Details

    To receive credit for leading or co-leading a ride:

    • Register for the ride you're leading

    • Select "Ride Leader" or "Co-leader" ticket type when registering

    Exceptions and Support

    We understand that life can present unexpected challenges. If you're unable to meet these requirements due to injury, family obligations, work commitments, or other circumstances:

    • Contact the VP of Rides to discuss your situation

    • We'll work with you to accommodate your circumstances and maintain your status

    What Happens If Requirements Aren't Met?

    If a ride leader doesn't meet the requirements:

    • We'll reach out to discuss your situation and interests

    • We'll work with you to find ways to help you maintain your status if desired

    • If inactive status is preferred, ride leader benefits (gifts, awards, discounts, events) will be discontinued

    How We'll Support You

    To help our ride leaders meet these new requirements, we're planning to:

    • Offer mentorship programs pairing experienced leaders with new ones

    • Provide additional training and resources for ride planning and execution

    • Create more opportunities for co-leading rides

    Why This Change?

    This policy was carefully crafted by our senior leadership team, with input from the Rides and Safety Committee and the CRW Board. The requirements are designed to be achievable while ensuring an active leadership roster. By maintaining an accurate list of active leaders, we can better allocate resources, plan events, and support those who are regularly contributing to our riding community.

    We're excited about the positive impact this change will have on our club. If you have any questions or concerns about this new policy, please don't hesitate to reach out to our ride program coordinators or the VP of Rides. Your feedback and involvement are crucial as we work together to strengthen our club.

    Thank you for your dedication to CRW. We look forward to many more great rides with you at the helm!

    Ride on, 

    John O’Dowd
    VP of Rides, Charles River Wheelers

  • 2024-06-29 4:24 PM | Anonymous

    By John O'Dowd

    Larry and Mary Kernan ran their annual Presidents' Ride and BBQ on Saturday, June 22nd. Thirty-six riders enjoyed the two routes of 39 and 31 miles around the rolling hills and beautiful back roads of Bedford, Lexington, Lincoln, Weston, Wayland, Sudbury, and Concord. The weather started misty and drizzly, but riders were spared any significant rain.

    The weather improved later, allowing the Kernan's to hold their post-ride BBQ. Approximately 50 guests enjoyed burgers, chicken wings, and beverages!

    In attendance were nine past club presidents and one current president -- see photo! Pictured are presidents in the order that they served:  John Springfield, Jamie King, Susan Grieb, Ken Hablow, Jack Donohue, Barry Nelson, Larry Kernan, and current president Randolph Williams.

    Two other past presidents showed up at the BBQ after this photo was taken:  Doug Kline and Mike Hanauer.

    The Kernan's wish to thank those who came to the ride and party, and look forward to seeing this illustrious group again in the future!

  • 2024-06-29 4:23 PM | Anonymous

    By Barbara Jacobs and Nina Siegel

    Many cyclists/riders use a system called Human Arrows in group riding. This format allows all cyclists on a led ride to easily stay together and no one gets lost. Bike Thursday and Wednesday Wheelers are known to use Humans (cyclists) as Arrows along the route ensuring all riders make all turns and get through tricky intersections. While all cyclists should have the route via RidewithGPS, Garmin, Wahoo, other, or a printed cue sheet, some do not. Human Arrows keep the led ride intact. Other groups within CRW may also use Human Arrows and other area clubs use them.

    So how does this work? To keep the group moving and not stopping at every turn to regroup, a cyclist stands at each corner, fork, or intersection and directs other cyclists. Usually, the cyclist directly behind the Leader takes the position of Arrow. This cyclist stays at their post, until the Sweep comes by and relieves them.

    Who becomes the Arrow? The rider directly behind the Leader. The Leader will tell the cyclist behind them an Arrow is needed. That person chooses a visible location, safe from vehicles. This could be at the far side of the intersection, and in the direction of the turn. The Arrow stays at this post until the Sweep  arrives and lets them know they are free to ride on.

    Usually, the rider behind the Leader does not have to be asked to take the position; the rider will let the Leader know they are prepared to be the Arrow. Riders who do not want to be an Arrow should not ride directly behind the Leader. Sometimes the Leader will say ‘No Arrow’ because they can see the Sweep.

    If you have a speedy rider in your group they might Arrow a lot. The rider will be the Arrow, chill at their post, and then catch up to the Leader safely to take a turn as an Arrow again.

    Easy, you think! Usually, but not always. What could go wrong:

    1. The Arrow leaves their position before the Sweep comes along to relieve them. This usually happens due to miscommunication. The Arrow might think they see the Sweep, so the Sweep must see them. Be sure to have verbal or eye contact with each other. The Sweep may indicate with a wave the Arrow can move along. Acknowledge the Sweep. The Sweep must relieve the Arrow.

    2. The Arrow does not know who the Sweep is. It is essential that the Leader let everyone in the group know who the Sweep is (great opportunity to meet other members) and what they are wearing. Remember, many cyclists wear yellow.

    3. The Sweep takes off their jacket at a rest stop. Let the group know they are now wearing red, not yellow. 

    4. Riders between the Arrow and the Sweep miss the Arrow. This happens when the Arrow leaves their position or is not visible to all riders. Where the Arrow stands is very important. The Arrow must be visible – ideally the Arrow is watching the road, looking for group riders and the Sweep.

    5. The Arrow is left standing for a long time with no other riders coming. Sometimes this happens. The Sweep might be handling an issue with another rider and the Arrow is left standing. Ideally, if there is an issue the Sweep will call the Leader (cell numbers are exchanged at the start of the ride). If there is more than one rider with the Leader or Sweep, a rider will be sent ahead or back to alert the Arrow what is happening and send them on their way.

    6. Sometimes the route has a lot of turns and the Leader runs out of Arrows. Do not laugh, it happens. This might be a good time to regroup…

    Normally, Human Arrowing works perfectly. Riders thank the Arrow as they turn the corner, and everyone has a good time. If you want to become a Human Arrow, watch how it works first, and then by all means, join in the fun!

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