Charles River Wheelers

Meet a Member - Melissa Quirk

2024-06-29 4:20 PM | Anonymous

Where do you live (bonus: add where you are from)?
I live in Arlington MA and I am from Nova Scotia, Canada!

What led to you joining CRW and what do you enjoy most about being a member? I joined CRW to find people to ride with and make friends. 

What is your best advice for a new club member? If at first you get dropped, try, try again. There are people for you in this club!

When did you become a Ride Leader? This is my first year being a ride leader (2024). 

What led to you becoming a ride leader? I had a bit of encouragement from other ride leaders. I wanted to step up to the table to help make cycling more inclusive to women and average speed riders (like myself). It also helps that I can post rides when I am available and at the speeds I want to ride! 

What types of rides are you planning on leading? Womens rides, adventure rides (single-day), and supporting recurring weekend rides. I will also be co-leading various rides throughout the season to support those traveling around my speed group. Check out my Martha’s Vineyard ride scheduled for September!

How long have you been cycling, and what initially got you interested in the sport? I have always ridden a bicycle. I was always on a hybrid bike riding in the neighborhood or on well-traveled trails. My husband (boyfriend at the time) was into road cycling and I guess I was just trying to impress him… 

What is your favorite thing about cycling? I love finding fresh pavement, even if it’s just a short stretch. 

How many miles a year do you typically ride? My current goal is to ride 80 miles per week and 3 rides. This would be much less in the darker and colder months!

What is your greatest cycling accomplishment? I completed the Baie Sainte Marie Gran Fondo (80 miles) which was my longest ride ever. I also ended the ride smiling, so that was an accomplishment!

What is your favorite road or trail to ride on? I miss my roads back home in Nova Scotia. There is something refreshing about less traffic, and being able to ride on one road for an hour or more before having to make a turn. I am very thankful for my Wahoo.

What is your favorite route to ride? I am still exploring the area. I do like finding my way to Ferns in Carlisle though. 

What is your favorite post-ride food or drink? Iced anything - usually coffee or matcha. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention I ride for baked goods.

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