Charles River Wheelers

Code of Conduct

2023-09-30 11:18 AM | Randolph Williams (Administrator)

Charles River Wheelers (CRW) members and guests are club ambassadors. They are expected to practice good sportsmanship and act respectfully at all CRW rides and events to foster a trusting environment free of harassment, intimidation, and discrimination and to ensure a safe and welcoming environment for all. Behavior that is found to be inappropriate will be subject to disciplinary action.

As a CRW Member or guest, I will:

  • Register for all CRW rides and events I attend.
  • Ride safely, legally, and enjoyably, following all guidelines.
  • Treat everyone with dignity, respect, and compassion.
  • Follow all laws and ride leader instructions.
  • Help other riders in need if safely able.
  • Refrain from unwanted physical contact or advances.

Code Violations:

Members are encouraged to promptly report inappropriate behavior to a club official or via an online incident report. Upon request, the name of the reporting party will be kept confidential.

The Board assigns an impartial investigator for credible Code of Conduct violation reports. The President or EVP (if the President is conflicted) can end investigations or give warnings. Expulsion or suspension requires a 2/3 vote of unconflicted Board members.

Approved by CRW Board on 9/30/2023

© Charles River Wheelers, a 501(c)3 Organization

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