Charles River Wheelers

Newton-Dover "donut" ride

  • 2023-05-21
  • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • 1172 Beacon St., Newton, MA
  • 35


Registration is closed

CRW Rides are open to members and guests. Guests may attend two rides before being required to join the club. Please click the Register button to the left to join the ride. V20230506

Ride Description:

Enjoy this delightful ride with a friendly group. We span Newton, Wellesley, Needham and Dover. There's a regular (25 miles), medium (33 miles) and long (47 miles). 

Why is it called "donut" ride? Because we have a pre-ride social gathering for anyone who wants to join at the Dunkin Donuts next door to the ride start, with a free coffee and donut on CRW's tab.

The ride is show-and-go, everyone at their own pace. You can use GPS or print a cue sheet ahead (no printed copies at the ride start).  

We look forward to seeing you on the ride!

Ride Start Location:

1. The pre-ride social is from 9a to 930a at Dunkin Donuts next door, at 1148 Beacon St., Newton (it has bathrooms, fyi). This Dunkin is next door to the ride start, a 1 minute walk. For the free coffee and donut (or anything else, up to $5 per person), tell them to "put it on Lisa's card"-- those are the magic words.

2. We'll do the pre-ride overview at 935a and begin the ride promptly at 945a at the ride start, which is behind the condo building at 1172 Beacon St., Newton. There is free parking but please park in the back only (not the side).  

Ride Leader(s):

Lisa Najavits (617-299-1620, text or call)

Link to RwGPS Route

25 miles

34 miles

47 miles

© Charles River Wheelers, a 501(c)3 Organization

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