Charles River Wheelers

We hear you and are listening – even when we say no!

2023-08-20 12:12 PM | Anonymous

As a member of any organization, you want to have your preferences known to the managing authority. That’s the case whether you want more exciting menus at organization dinners, learning opportunities for beginners, or events in your area. And it’s well known that successful businesses listen to what customers are telling them.

The goal of a volunteer organization such as CRW is not profitability. Our mission is primarily serving our members and consequently understanding their needs. The best way to do this is by listening to what you tell us. We, of course, ask questions, conduct surveys, and get specific around certain issues.

Ironically, during informal conversations, a member may raise an issue or make a request and we reluctantly must respond “no, we don’t do that.” But the response to issues raised or requests made doesn’t end with the “no.” Getting this input helps us define changes in how we go about planning our rides.

Over the past few years, for example, we’ve made changes to our century rides in response to rider feedback. This includes additional and earlier water stops and much-appreciated iced Gatorade on brutally hot days. We’ve also run introductory group rides for those new to the club and follow-the-leader rides periodically. Several times a season we host after-ride events so riders can socialize.

We can’t accommodate all requests, however, and probably the single most frequent “no” response is in regard to restrooms at ride starts. We try to have restrooms available at starts when we can but here the costs and more the logistics work against us.

Club leadership actively seeks your point of view, which is vital to our overall success.

Feel free to contact us via with any suggestions or concerns as to how we go about our business. But please keep in mind, we are not a business. In any case, your opinion can only lead to improved member satisfaction and a better club for all of us.


  • 2023-09-01 8:50 AM | Christine Olin
    My name is Christine Olin. I have been a CRW member for many years and am trying to renew my membership & pay, but cannot get to the right page. Can someone contact me with help? You can email at or call 508-843-0332.
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