Charles River Wheelers

Code of Conduct Summary

2023-09-20 11:06 AM | Anonymous

By Randolph Williams

Member feedback has been invaluable for refining the code of conduct draft into a version that upholds our shared values while allowing members to feel comfortable being themselves. The following summary was issued by club president Ed Cheng earlier this month, and the WheelPeople editors felt it was informative and worth repeating in this article.

Dear CRW Members,

Thank you to everyone who took the time to review the proposed code of conduct and provide feedback. We appreciate you sharing your thoughts, which will help us refine the code of conduct to serve our community best.

Members have until September 24, 2023 to comment on the code of conduct. Here are the answers to the top questions raised so far by the membership:

Why is a formal code of conduct necessary? Has there been bad behavior that prompted this?

While not in response to any single incident, we have had several situations this year where having clear expectations and a process in place would have been helpful. Establishing some reasonable guardrails proactively will aid the club. This is not unusual for nonprofits and bike clubs.

Some language, like "inappropriate behavior" seems vague. Will this be defined more clearly?

We appreciate the concern and will be guided by a “reasonable person” standard when evaluating potential misconduct, not a strict interpretation of vague terms. The intent is to address egregious behaviors that a reasonable person would deem offensive or harmful.

What are the procedures for enforcing the code of conduct if violations occur?

The Board will investigate credible reports of misconduct and determine outcomes by 2/3 vote. Responses could range from verbal warnings to membership suspension, depending on circumstances. The process will aim to be reasonable and measured.

Is there an appeals process if a member feels unfairly penalized?

There is not a formal appeals process outlined in the code of conduct. However, members are always welcome to provide feedback and context if they feel a situation merits additional Board review.

Does the code restrict casual conversation or allow for minor mistakes?

The code is focused on clear cases of sustained egregious misconduct, not policing every minor remark or misstep. The Board will exercise reasonable judgment.

What behavior violates "conduct that reflects poorly on the club"?

The code aims to address sustained discriminatory, dangerous or blatantly unethical conduct, not casual remarks made in frustration. Examples could include intentional aggression or violence, willful vandalism, or repeat harassment after warnings.

Does wearing bike attire like Lycra shorts violate the code?

No, the code does not aim to restrict wearing common cycling gear. Inappropriate attire refers to sustained displays containing profanity, hate speech, or graphic nudity.

How will you handle differences in opinion on what's offensive?

A “reasonable person” standard will be used, considering whether most would find the behavior clearly inappropriate, not just one offended individual. Context of remarks and intent vs impact will be weighed.

What constitutes obscene language?

The use of discriminatory slurs and derogatory remarks would qualify. Isolated profanity out of frustration would not on its own violate the code. A pattern of hostile, aggressive cursing could warrant review.

Do minor traffic violations violate the code?

Safety is paramount, but momentary stops or benign traffic violations during rides will not trigger code enforcement. Sustained, willful illegal or reckless behavior could warrant review.

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