Charles River Wheelers

Women's/Nonbinary Program Winter Hike a Success

2024-02-28 12:27 PM | Anonymous

By Amy Juodawlkis

On February 4th, the CRW Women's/Nonbinary Program hosted a winter hiking event at the Middlesex Fells Reservation. We met at Medford High School and began with a tailgate including coffee, munchkins, and other treats. This gave everyone a chance to warm up, fuel up, and socialize before our hike.

At 9 am, our group of 27 members and guests set out on a beautiful 4.1- mile hike on gently rolling fire roads. The peaceful scenery was the perfect backdrop for great conversations along the trail. Those with binoculars were rewarded with water bird sightings at our photo-op stop by the reservoir.

Everyone had a fantastic time connecting in nature. The Women's/Nonbinary Program aims to continue offering seasonal events open to our women, non-binary, and female-identifying membership. Consider joining us for fresh air and friendship on our next adventure!

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