Charles River Wheelers

Ride Leaders Sought for Cranberry Century!

2024-08-29 4:57 PM | Barbara Jacobs (Administrator)

By Amy Juodawlkis

Calling all CRW Ride Leaders!

Our biggest and bestest century of 2024 is coming up October 13, the Cranberry Harvest Century!

Charles River Wheelers - CRW Cranberry Harvest Century 2024

We are looking for ride leaders for a variety of pace groups, for each distance. Riders love being in a paced group. It's more social, you go faster, and everyone has more fun. Help make this century our best yet! Pick a route, a pace, and a start time, and be part of the action!

Last year we had EIGHT ride leaders leading paced groups over four routes. Can we beat that this year???

Bonus: If you haven't led a ride yet this year, opting to lead a paced group will earn you the code to register for FREE!

Ready to help out? Contact a member of our Century team:

Erik D'Entremont

Mark Nardone

John O'Dowd  john.o'


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