By Norma Loehr

Town you live in?
I live in East Boston; I grew up in Manchester, NH.
What led to you joining CRW and what do you enjoy most about being a member?
I joined CRW because I really enjoyed group rides and being able to socialize on and off the bike with folks who share the love of cycling.
What is your best advice for a new club member?
Don’t be intimidated by those who look and act like they are an advanced cyclist. One can learn from experienced riders but in the end we are all here for the same thing, and that is to ride.
When did you become a Ride Leader?
2021 riding season.
What led to you becoming a ride leader?
I think all cyclists, especially those new to the sport, need a welcoming smile from an experienced rider who has their safety in mind and can provide a well-thought out and fun route to ride.
What types of rides are you planning on leading?
I lead primarily gravel and as I age, not the soul crushing +10,000 feet of climbing rides. The sport is full of people looking to get to the finish first or get to the summit before everyone else. Life is short and we need to take the time to appreciate the landscape and each other's company.
How long have you been cycling, and what initially got you interested in the sport?
I got into cycling in my early 40’s after a few years of being a mid distance runner and enduring injury after injury. I started going to spin classes as physical therapy and fell in love with the motion and how it made my body feel.
What is your favorite thing about cycling?
I believe that cycling can be a great social equalizer and it allows people from all walks of life to participate and enjoy the comradery of the sport. I love that there are so many subcultures within the sport, that one will always find their niche.
How many miles a year do you typically ride?
Anywhere from 4,000 to 5,000 miles.
What is your greatest cycling accomplishment?
I love urban riding and the fact that I have ridden all around Boston, New York City, Washington DC, Philadelphia, Chicago, Miami, Phoenix, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, and Montreal is a great source of pride.
What is your favorite road or trail to ride on?
This year I rode the Cross New Hampshire Rail Trail and I really enjoyed it!
What is your favorite route to ride?
CRW’s “Dirty” Battle Road Route. I have met some amazing people riding that route over the years.
What is your favorite post-ride food or drink?
Beer that quenches your thirst…Nothing quite like drinking an ice cold Miller High Life after a long hot summer ride!
You can read more about Hermin in his interview with Hanna Ali of the WBUR Weekender, Boston's Saturday Morning Newsletter.