By Linda Nelson
The Town of Weston has 87 miles of public roads and more than 90 miles of roadside paths and trails, including the three miles of the Massachusetts Central Rail Trail (MCRT), a shared use path that currently runs from Route 27/126 in Wayland through the east-west corridor of Weston to the closed rail bridge separating Weston and Waltham. Upon completion the MCRT will run from Northampton to Boston.
Weston’s narrow and winding roads help give the town its “semi-rural character” even though the town is 12 miles from metropolitan Boston. Many of CRW’s rides begin or transverse the town center of Weston from all directions and exit it in as many routes, making Weston one of the major metro west “hubs” for bicycle routes. Weston, like most towns in Massachusetts, is creating a Town-wide Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan. This plan will make its roads, paths, and trails safer and more accessible for pedestrians and cyclists of all ages and abilities. The town has engaged a design and engineering firm to listen to pedestrians and cyclists within and outside the town. The goal is to hear from a diverse and representative group of residents and community stakeholders throughout the planning process to inform plan recommendations that address the needs and desires of the community towards an improved bicycle and pedestrian experience.
If you are a CRW member and live in Weston, please contact Anna Sangree, AICP, RSP to make your voice heard on cycling needs in and around Weston.