Charles River Wheelers

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  • 2023-12-29 4:15 PM | Anonymous

    Blood Tests to Predict Who Will Live to 100

    By Dr. Gabe Mirkin

    A study of 44,000 Swedish adults, 64 to 99 years of age, followed for up to 35 years, found that 2.7 percent (1,224) lived to their 100th birthday (Geroscience, Nov 4, 2023). Among the 1,224 centenarians in this study, 84 percent were women. The researchers wanted to find out which blood tests (measures of metabolism, inflammation, liver function, kidney function, anemia, and nutritional status) would appear to predict longevity.

    They found that from their 60s onward, the centenarians:

    • had lower blood sugar levels (prevention of diabetes)
    • had higher Iron and lower iron binding capacity (prevention of anemia)
    • had higher cholesterol (avoiding malnutrition from not eating enough food)
    • almost never had extremely high or low values on any of the lab tests
    • had lower blood levels of waste products filtered from the blood by the kidneys (creatinine and uric acid – markers of inflammation, an overactive immune system that can damage cells and shortens lives)
    • almost never had abnormally high liver function tests (aspartate aminotransferase, gamma-glutamyl transferase, alkaline phosphatase, lactate dehydrogenate)

    Other Studies on Centenarians

    • A study of people ages 90-101 in rural Southern Italy found that they were more optimistic and resilient to depression, had strong work ethic, were close to their families, were religious and had purpose for living (International Psycho Geriatrics, January 2018;30(1):31 -38).
    • Another study found that when compared to people who did not reach 100, centenarians had fewer disabilities, comorbidities, and hospitalizations earlier in life (J Gerontology, 2021;76(1):157–163; Aging Cell, 2009;8(3):270–276; J American Geriatrics Soc, 2016;64(8):1583–1591). They also had better cognitive function.
    • Level of fitness predicted a long life far better than how much time a person spent sitting (Mayo Clinic Proceedings, October 18, 2016). Heart-lung fitness is the ability of the heart and lungs to provide oxygenated blood to contracting muscles for prolonged periods. The authors found that people who spent 12-13 hours sitting each day were 75 percent more likely to have heart attack risk factors (high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, high waist circumference, high triglycerides, reduced good HDL cholesterol, high blood pressure, and high fasting blood sugar levels). The most fit people were more than 40 percent less likely to have abnormal heart attack risk factors, even if they sat for 12 to 13 hours a day and did not meet the criteria for the recommended amount of exercise. People who exercised, but were not physically fit, were not protected from the heart attack risk factors. Exercisers lived significantly longer than non-exercisers and suffered far fewer heart attacks (Journal of Public Health, Oct 31, 2016). Older people who moved around lived longer than those who were consistently sedentary, and sedentary older people who became more active lived longer than those who remained sedentary (Med Sci in Spts Ex, Aug 2013;45(8):1501-1507).
    • A study of 116,043 European men and women, followed for 15 years, found that of 16 different lifestyle profiles, four were associated with the greatest disease-free life years (JAMA Intern Med, April 6, 2020): absence of obesity, never smoked, exercised regularly, and drank no more than a moderate amount of alcohol.
    • Harvard researchers found that adopting five healthy habits could extend life expectancy by 14 years for women and by 12 years for men (Circulation, 2018;345:345): eating a diet high in plants and low in fats, exercising at a moderate to vigorous level for several hours a week, maintaining a healthy body weight, not smoking, and consuming no more than one alcoholic drink a day for women and two for men.
    • Living with a person who practices a healthful lifestyle increases your chances of practicing a healthful lifestyle (Genetics, November 1, 2018;210(3):1109-1124). Parents’ healthful lifestyles can change their genes so that they pass on more healthful genes to their children (Epigenomics, Jun, 2011;3(3):267–277). This process is called epigenetic modification. Mothers who live to their 90s with a healthy lifestyle are far more likely to have healthy daughters who live to their 90s (Age and Ageing, Nov, 2018;47(6):853–860).
    • Having more strength and larger muscles is associated with a longer lifespan (BMJ Open, August 10, 2022). Weak handgrip strength predicts risk for death: Testing a patient’s handgrip strength can be used as an additional test to predict how long an older person will live.

    My Recommendations
    If you want to live to 100, it helps to have parents who live long lives, but you have more influence on ways to prevent disease and prolong your life with healthful living habits (Immun Ageing, Apr 5, 2016;13:12). You can get tests to measure your risk factors for known life-shortening diseases, but I think it is more important to work on your lifestyle:

    • exercising every day
    • working actively to control excess weight
    • eating a healthful, primarily plant-based diet that includes a variety of vegetables, fruits, nuts, whole grains, beans and other seeds
    • avoiding smoke
    • restricting alcohol
    • trying to avoid harmful pollutants and industrial chemicals

  • 2023-12-29 4:01 PM | Anonymous


    John Allen

    I wouldn’t be without: a helmet. I remember when they swept into use in CRW in the mid to late 1970s, following a couple of crashes which club members survived nicely while ruining their helmets. And for over a decade, CRW policy has required helmets on the club’s rides. I have had to replace three helmets over the course of my bicycling career, but I still get by with the same brain.

    Thankfully, standards have been established – actually, over the years, a series of several standards – which define the required performance of a helmet. The current standard is from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. Any helmet sold as a bicycle helmet in the USA must meet this standard.

    Yet there are still differences in helmet performance. Sometimes fashion and safety are at odds. Specifically, a helmet with an aerodynamic or quasi-aerodynamic tail, emulating an all-out road-racing helmet, poses a greater risk of neck injury than one which is rounded. But on the other hand, air circulation is important in hot weather, and many rounded helmets are skateboard-style helmets without as effective venting as typical bicycle helmets.

    If you are in the market for a new helmet, try to find one which is well-vented, has a rounded exterior and is in a bright, conspicuous color. There has been a trend toward more rounded profiles over the past few years (as of 2020). Strap slippage is still an issue, so check for locking strap adjusters. And of course, the helmet must fit.

    The helmet market is highly competitive, and saturated, so manufacturers try to come up with new selling points. One is the idea that helmets deteriorate and should be replaced after 5 years or less. This claim has been subjected to testing, and the result was, on average, that a helmet’s effectiveness decreased by 0.7 percent per year. Your 10 year old helmet, if not crashed or otherwise damaged, would be, on average, 7% less effective. The helmet which I wear most often is old enough that its yellow exterior has begun to fade toward white, and has been the object of sales pitches at more than one bike shop! I’ll replace it someday, for sure, but not just yet.

    Three developments in helmets in recent years have received a lot of publicity.

    One is the Swedish Hövding “airbag” helmet. How nice, a helmet which doesn’t even sit on top of your head. Your hair can blow in the wind. The Hövding sits like a collar around your neck until it deploys in response to what it determines is your falling off the bicycle. But – wait a minute. It won’t deploy to mitigate a direct impact with a car, or a wall, or an overhanging tree branch. And having an explosive device near the carotid artery and the ears might not be such a great idea. Scratch that.

    A second development is the so-called “MIPS” helmet, which is designed to rotate slightly on your head in case of an oblique impact. The idea is to reduce rotational stresses on the brain inside the head – a valid concern in and of itself. But – the scalp covers the skull a bit loosely and any helmet will rotate, so the usefulness of this feature is debatable. Testing has shown no improvement, but a manufacturer’s representative disagrees. Most important is for the helmet to have a round, smooth, slick outer surface so it will slide in an oblique impact.

    And the third development of note is the so-called “WaveCel” helmet, which uses a plastic mesh to replace part of the expanded polystyrene form impact-absorption material of a helmet. This also allows some rotation, and is the object of disputed claims. One has been that a WaveCel helmet is 48 times safer than an ordinary helmet. How this could be measured or would even be possible, given that the distance over which the liner compresses to soften an impact is not greater, escapes me.

    The MIPS and WaveCel helmets meet the standards, but with their newness and promotion, they are expensive. Also, we are beginning to see “smart helmets” with embedded LED lights and other enhancements. Some may pass the test of time. As I said, I am still wearing my faded helmet, I have a good friend who could afford an expensive helmet but bought a $7 helmet at Walmart. It has to meet the same standard!

    I could say more, but I don’t have to. The Web site offers a very thorough and up-to-date look into bicycle helmets. The site includes information on helmet types, design, performance and choices; shapes and sizes for different heads, cleaning, disinfecting and delousing, test reports, you name it. It is recommended reading.

    John Allen is CRW Safety Coordinator.

  • 2023-11-28 6:50 AM | Anonymous

    By Ed Cheng

    As my two year term is nearing its end, I am pleased to be handing the reins to the capable hands of Randolph Williams.  Randolph is a long-time member of the club who has had a role in many of the recent accomplishments of the club, including the adoption of new election rules and policies, the transition to a new web site, and the adoption of the code of conduct policy.  I am confident that Randolph will successfully lead the club as its next president.

    I would like to thank the Members for the privilege of leading the club for the past two years.  I would also like to thank the Board and volunteer officers.  I have enjoyed working with them and developing friendships as we worked through the club's challenges.  The club is very lucky to have this group of hard working volunteers who have been dedicated to the club with good humor and cheer. 

    Be sure to get in your training and base miles done this winter, and to come out in numbers when the outdoor riding season resumes in the Spring.  Happy Holidays to all.  

  • 2023-11-27 6:20 PM | Anonymous

    By WheelPeople Editors

    Randolph Williams is an enthusiastic and dedicated cyclist with a passion for promoting diversity and inclusion within the cycling community. As President-Elect of Charles River Wheelers (CRW), he is poised to bring his leadership skills, innovative spirit, and unwavering commitment to equity to the organization. 

    Having begun his cycling journey 20+ years ago, Randolph continues to find joy in the physical challenge, the mental focus, and the camaraderie that cycling offers. As a dedicated PMC rider for the past 8 years, he has impressively raised over $70k to fight cancer. His love for long-distance riding is evident in his frequent cycling trips from home to Montreal and back. 

    As President-Elect of CRW, Williams envisions a future where cycling truly reflects the rich diversity of the community it serves. He aims to foster an inclusive environment where all cyclists feel valued and empowered to pursue their passion for the sport. His leadership extends to his role as co-founder along with Lisa Najavits and president of the New England Cycling Coalition for Diversity (NECCD), a group advocating for diversity, equity, and inclusion in biking. 

    Beyond his cycling endeavors, Williams is a successful and respected technology transformation professional with over 25 years at Fidelity Investments. In the past year, he applied his skills to completely overhaul the club's website. This endeavor not only modernized the online presence of CRW but also improved user experience, making cycling resources and club information more accessible to a broader audience. His entrepreneurial spirit and dedication to innovation have earned him a reputation as a trusted, respected leader with a collaborative approach and ability to inspire others.

    When not on the bike or immersed in his professional pursuits, Williams finds fulfillment in traveling, roller skating, and watching sci-fi films with his wife Lisa, and daughter Sierra. Randolph and his family reside in Winchester.

  • 2023-11-25 5:26 PM | Anonymous

    By John O'Dowd

    "The best time to train for an event was 6 months ago" or so the saying goes. Well, if you start training now, you'll be in great shape for summer!

    CRW wants to help you get ready for the 2024 season by once again offering our winter ride challenge. 

    This year the challenge is time based; how many hours can you ride between December 15th to March 15th? We have three levels of accomplishment:

    25 hours: Recreationalist

    50 hours: Weekend Warrior

    100 hours: Racer

    Anyone who reaches any of these levels is entered into a raffle for some cool prizes. We're giving out bike lights, ear buds, and official CRW gloves. Five entrants from each level will win a prize.

    We count both outdoor and indoor riding. 

    To log your miles:

    Log into the website,

    Click on your name at the top of the home page,    

    Click on Edit Profile,

    Scroll down to the Time and Mileage Tracker and enter the numbers of hours of your latest ride in this field:

    Scroll to the bottom and save.

    Raffle drawing will be at the end of March. By then you'll be ready to tackle a new cycling season. Note this is all based on the honor system, and we are comfortable that you will all abide.

    Embrace the challenge!"

  • 2023-11-25 7:32 AM | Anonymous

    By Nancy Clark

    Once upon a time, food used to be one of life's pleasures and athletes would eat with gusto. Today, food has become a source of anxiety—Will it ruin my health? Make me fat? Hurt my performance? Food has also become a source of shame—I shouldn't have eaten so much. I eat well during the day but I'm so bad at night. I'm afraid I'll eat too much pie at Thanksgiving.

    A survey of Gen Z-ers (ages 11-26; born between 1997 and 2012) indicates 60% feel pressure to eat in a way that shows others they eat "healthy." These student athletes and recent grads —many of whom are fitness exercisers and athletes—feel pressure from social media, if not from their parents, peers, and teammates, to choose a perfect diet (i.e., no chips, cookies, burgers, etc.). And then the binge-eating and sneak-eating happens: shame, guilt, embarrassment.

    At the 2023 Food & Nutrition Conference & Exposition (FNCE) of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (the nation's largest group of nutrition professionals), food shaming was a hot topic. (This topic that is near and dear to the hearts of most registered dietitians (RDs), given "everyone" seems to scrutinize what we eat. Ha!) Food shaming happens not just among athletes at team meals, but also at family dinners, school lunches, and office coffee breaks. Maybe you, too, have experienced shame-producing food situations where you felt like you did something wrong because you ate, let's say, a sandwich (tsk, tsk) at a team meal, while your teammates ate lettuce leaves?

    Athletes can easily end up feeling awkward, inadequate, and embarrassed about their food choices. As one runner shared, "After visiting xxx college for a weekend, I decided against going there because the women on the track team nibbled on only dry salads with grilled chicken for lunch and dinner. I felt very awkward as I refueled my tired muscles with a plateful of pasta with meat balls."

    Unfortunately, in today's world, we live with a lot of morality around food. Morality can easily spoil one's peaceful relationship with food. Athletes who have been food-shamed start to focus on eating only (society-defined) "good" foods and eliminate the "bad." Consequences of being food shamed include feeling bad about themselves, a desire to eat alone, and increased self-criticism of perceived body flaws. ("No wonder I'm so fat. I should eat better...) The more shame athletes feel about their food choices, the more likely they are to restrict what they eat and cut out "white" foods, fast foods, and all fun foods. This can become a slippery slope into disordered eating, if not an outright eating disorder.

    While many athletes might wish they could "just eat normally", they often hold too much shame to seek guidance from the healthcare professional who could help them: a registered dietitian (RD) who is board-certified in sports dietetics (CSSD). If they feel guilty, anxious, and vulnerable regarding their food intake, they'll fear being judged. "I would feel too embarrassed to honestly tell a dietitian about what I eat..." If that holds true for you, rest assured, a professional RD will not make hurtful or judge-y, guilt-inducing remarks. (Most RDs have been food shamed themselves for enjoying fun foods, tsk-tsk, like Thanksgiving pies and holiday cookies. They understand how uncomfortable it can feel.)

    Food-shamed athletes prefer to eat alone, deprive themselves of their "unhealthy" foods—and end up shamefully over-eating them at a time of weakness. According to FNCE speaker Tammy Beasley RD, shame thrives in secret, lonely places of over-indulgence. The RD's job is to transform that shame into self-compassion and self-kindness; to let athletes know they are not alone; they are not the only humans who have devoured a pint of ice cream in one sitting.


    Solutions: To derail the cycle of food shaming, we need to abandon food morality. Food is fuel; it is not good or bad and what you eat does not determine if you are good or bad. Your goal is enjoy a balanced intake of a variety of nutrient-dense foods with some fun foods included. Please stop scrutinizing and "perfecting" your food intake. Instead, focus on fueling for optimal performance. Trust that eating bread and pasta will not result in your body exploding into obesity, but rather will fuel your muscles and enhance your athletic ability. A cookie or two will not ruin your health forever.

       Social media is the number one instigator of food shaming. Given almost all of us use social media, and 57% use it more than 5 hours a week, we can see how food shaming can spiral out of control. Instagram photos with "healthy foods" can easily make anyone feel bad about choosing "imperfect" foods with less nutrient density. Hence, a good place to stop food shaming is at the source: limit the time you spend scrolling through endless triggering posts—and stop following triggering influencers.


    Moving forward  

    Three tips to help transform your "shameful" eating into pleasurable fueling include:

    • Let go of being a perfectionist and enjoy being human, like the rest of us. Stop trying to eat a "perfect diet." An excellent diet will do the job. The goal is 85-90% quality-calories and 10-15% "whatever", such as an apple some days, and apple pie on other days.

    • An excellent sports diet can include some "evil" sugar. No need to avoid all sweets and treats! The US Dietary Guidelines allow for 10% of total calories to come from added sugar. That's 240 to 300 calories (60-75 grams) of added sugar per day for most athletes, if desired. That's the amount of sugar in 3 gels, 36 ounces of sport drink, or 24 gummi bears. Sugar in any form helps (re)fuel muscles during and after a hard workout.

    • Enjoy a satisfying breakfast and lunch. Stop eating when your body feels content, not just when the food is gone, you think you should, or you're feeling ashamed because you are eating more than your peers. Adequate daytime meals can curb afternoon and evening (shame-inducing) binges.

    •Finally, bring fun back into your food-style. Yes, please shamelessly enjoy fun foods like Thanksgiving pie and Grandma's special holiday cookies, keeping balance and moderation in mind.


    Nancy Clark MS RD CSSD counsels both fitness exercisers and competitive athletes in the Boston-area (617-795-1875). Her best-selling Nancy Clark's Sports Nutrition Guidebook is a popular resource, as is her online workshop. For more info, visit

    -- Nancy Clark, MS RD CSSD Sports nutrition counselor Nancy Clark's Sports Nutrition Guidebook, 6th Edition (Books, presentations, blog) Twitter: @nclarkrd Office: 1155 Walnut St., Newton Highlands, MA 02460 Phone:617-795-1875 "Helping active people win with good nutrition." Secretary, Professionals in Nutrition for Exercise and Sport (PINES)

  • 2023-11-23 6:12 PM | Anonymous

    What can a camera do for you? Or radar?

    I recently heard of a cyclist who is recovering from a hit-and-run collision. The cyclist wishes that he had a video camera to record a license number. And (though I heard this second-hand), he wishes that he had the camera for his safety. I know another cyclist who runs front and rear cameras every time he rides. He says the same thing about safety.

    How might a camera increase your safety? Well, other road users might notice that you have a camera, and be more careful. But, cameras are small and might not be noticed. You might want to have a big sign on your back: “warning, security cameras in use.”

    Cameras can help to point the finger of blame in the event of a crash. This goes too often though with a victim mentality, that crashes are unavoidable. Videos reflecting this perspective are all over the Web site of Cycliq, which specializes in cameras designed to record crashes. Better cycling skills could have prevented most of these crashes. Cycliq promotion states that “We're on a mission to make cycling safer and give you peace of mind when you're on the bike.” They could give you peace of mind that you will recover in a lawsuit or insurance claim. 

    Why not expand the tech? Linking a rear-view camera to a smartphone on the handlebar could give you a small rear view, without the need to look back. Just remember to look up for the traffic ahead! Video displays integrated into eyeglasses will probably be next.

    After I have said all this, are you wondering how it is that my Safety Corner articles include so many videos?

    Indeed, I have four high-definition action cameras. I could ride with cameras pointing forward and back, left and right! That’s a thought! The two older ones which don’t automatically deshake video haven’t been getting much use. I could fix the shake in post-production though.

    Usually I can’t be bothered with all the tech. It’s already enough of a hassle to change into the right clothing –a jersey and shorts for a summer recreational ride, or layers for a winter errand – also the helmet and gloves. I have shredded a cycling glove on pavement more than once, leaving the palm of a hand intact.

    I could have taken quite a few license-plate numbers over the years, of vehicles whose drivers are behaving badly in one way or another. But, the hassle…I use front and rear cameras on special occasions, when I have something I want to show. It is worth the trouble to me then.

    One is on my helmet, the other on a rear rack that can clamp onto any bicycle, even a borrowed or rented bicycle when I travel. I have bolted a quick-release camera mount to that rack. I can stow my rear camera in a waist pack when I park the bicycle, and I bring the front one with my helmet.

    Oh, I did happen to shoot video of one crash. My intention was to point out design issues with a shared-use path, and I got to show more than I had planned on.

    It’s nice to feel protected and safe. Fine, run cameras all the time if you can afford the several hundred dollars, and you can manage the tech, and it makes you feel better.

    But also, my helmet carries a little rear-view mirror, and a glance into it every few seconds keeps track of what is happening behind me in real time. It’s more informative than expensive Garmin radar and it’s cheap.  You may read more about mirrors in my Safety Corner article on page 5 of the February, 2018 Wheelpeople.

  • 2023-11-22 11:34 AM | Anonymous

    By Eli Post

    It was just a weekend ride, but so popular that it became a very successfull fall century, which lasted many years up to the present day. At the Cranberry Harvest Ride we had more “thank you” and “great ride” and “beautiful route” comments then we can recall in quite a while. The ride was on roads that are not common for CRW with gorgeous landscape full of cranberry bogs, lakes, farms, woods, and the flattest terraine in southern MA.

    The ride was developed and orchestrated by Bob Wolf who emphasized that he could not have done this alone. In the spirit of “it takes a village” there was input and effort from well over a dozen folks in the CRW community. The area was new to the club and there were multiple scouting missions to work out and fine tune the routes including checking out the various food and rest stops.

    The ride has become a CRW Classic.

  • 2023-11-22 1:44 AM | Anonymous

    By Doctor Gabe Mirkin  (This article is curtesy of Dr. Mirkin)

    A study of 1275 people found that those who had very weak hand grip strength had signs of accelerated aging, as measured by deterioration of the DNA in their cells (J Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle, Feb 2023;14(1):108-115). The authors of this study cited earlier studies showing that grip strength appears to be a better predictor of life expectancy than blood pressure. Muscle weakness also predicts increased risk for:
    • physical disability in older people (J Nutr Health Aging, 2018;22:501-507; Ethn Health 2017;26:1-12)
    • long-term disability and development of chronic diseases (Exp Gerontol, 2021;152:111462)
    • dementia (Clinical Interventions in Aging, July 5, 2018;13)
    • cancer (Cancer Med, Jan 2022;11(2):308-316)
    • heart attacks (J of Epidem & Comm Health, Nov 11, 2020;74(1):26-31)
    • premature death (J Am Med Dir Assoc, May 2020;21(5):621-626.e2)

    Five percent of people in their seventies, 25 percent in their eighties, and almost 40 percent of people in their nineties suffer from some level of dementia. One study of more than 5000 people, average age over 70, found that low muscle size is associated with increased risk for dementia (Age and Ageing, March 2017;469(2):250-257). Many studies show that excess belly fat is a major predictor for dementia, but lack of muscle size and strength appears to be an even stronger predictor of dementia than having excess belly fat (Clinical Interventions in Aging, July 5, 2018;13).

    Home Test to Predict Risk for Dementia
    You can get a simple Grip Strength Tester at Amazon and other retailers. A male’s average grip strength rating should be 105 or higher, while a woman’s average grip strength rating should be 57 or higher. I realize that a falsely weak handgrip test could cause needless concern. I recommend that if you are worried about your hand strength, check with your doctor who can order a more complete workup if needed.

    You can expect to lose muscle size and strength as you age. Between 40 and 50 years of age, the average person loses more than eight percent of their muscle size. This loss increases to 15 percent per decade after age 75. The people who lose the most muscle usually are the least active, exercise the least and are the ones who die earliest. Older people who lose the most muscle are four times more likely to be disabled, have difficulty walking, and need walkers and other mechanical devices to help them walk (Am J Epidemiol, 1998; 147(8):755-763).

    Your muscles are made up of thousands of muscle fibers, just as a rope is made up of many strands. Every muscle fiber is innervated by a single nerve fiber. With aging you lose nerves, and when you lose a nerve attached to a muscle fiber, that muscle fiber is lost also. A 20-year-old person may have 800,000 muscle fibers in the vastus medialis muscle in the front of his upper leg, but by age 60, that muscle would have only about 250,000 fibers. For a 60-year-old to have the same strength as a 20-year-old, the average muscle fiber needs to be three times as strong as the 20-year-old’s muscle fibers. You cannot stop this loss of the number of muscle fibers with aging, but you can enlarge each remaining muscle fiber and slow down the loss of strength by exercising muscles against progressive resistance (Experimental Gerontology, August 13, 2013).

    My Recommendations
    Strength training, aerobic exercise and a healthful diet can help to slow the frightening loss of muscle size and strength in people as they age (Clinical Interventions in Aging, August 6, 2015;1267-1282). I believe that everyone who is able should do some form of resistance exercises to increase their muscle size and strength. If you are not already doing strength training exercise, first check with your doctor to make sure you do not have any condition that may be harmed by exercise. Then see Resistance Exercise You Can Do at Home. I recommend that you hire a knowledgeable personal trainer at least for a few sessions to set up your home program and help with choices of equipment. I also recommend lifting light weights with more repetitions, because lifting lighter weights many times is less likely to cause injuries than lifting heavier weights a few times.

  • 2023-11-21 4:15 PM | Anonymous

    By Eli Post

    We preach safe riding continuously, and our advice should be taken seriously. There are too many accidents on our rides. However, there are expert riders who can take their bikes to new levels, and we should sit back and enjoy the fun.

    There are two vidios here and one unfortunately comes with commercials which you will have to bear. As you watch, imagine yourself in that bike seat, and think of the skill required to manage the conveluted route: the narrow lanes, the dizzering heights, and the overall complexity of travel.

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