Charles River Wheelers

Paceline Clinic

2023-09-10 7:21 PM | John O'Dowd (Administrator)

CRW is partnering with the Northeast Bicycle Club to provide instruction on paceline riding for CRW members.  Cost is $10 per member, members only. Those who have always wanted to ride a paceline will be shown how to do this safely and effectively within small groups of about 5 each.  Speed is NOT the objective for this instruction session, rather we want to get people feeling comfortable riding more closely together, get everyone to ride safely and predictably, and how to exchange the lead rider for each paceline.

Attendance is limited to 20 riders. Clinic is this coming Saturday (9/16) in Lincoln at the MBTA overflow lot at 10 am. 


  • 2023-09-15 10:13 AM | John O'Dowd (Administrator)
    the clinic is on! Hurricane be damned!
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