Charles River Wheelers

Wachusett to Greylock

  • 2023-07-08
  • 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • 55 Authority Dr, Fitchburg, MA 01420
  • 10


Registration is closed

CRW Rides are open to members and guests. Guests may attend two rides before being required to join the club. Please click the Register button to the left to join the ride.

Ride Description:

Want to ride the X-Mass in July ride but can't get a car ride out there? Bike out there instead.

The route is based on a GCN video of the route: We discovered in 2022 that GCN didn't actually bike the entire route so do don't rely on the route GCN posted. 

It's a hard ride with some dirt roads in the mix. Plan to stay overnight at the top of Greylock to start X-Mass in the morning. My story about the ride from last year:

It will be a no-drop ride, but the pace will be brisk.

Ride Start Location:

We'll be leaving the Wachusett Commuter Rail station at 7:00am. The earliest train is at 9:00 am and is too late. The X-Mass ends in Boston so you will need to ride to the start or get a ride to the start. If you are only planning to ride to Greylock, you'll need to arrange for a ride home.

Ride Leader(s):

Doug Cornelius 617-416-0000

Co-Leaders: Tim Campbell and Martin Hayes

Link to RwGPS Route

Updated Route:

Expect the ride to take 9 hours in the saddle and 12 hours elapsed time with stops.


We have a bunk room for Saturday Night at Bascom Lodge and will have dinner at the Lodge.

Bring a seat pack with a change of clothes, chargers, and a fresh kit. I used this:

There are stops along the way for food and drinks. But no support vehicle. Carry repair equipment, credit card and a phone. You'll need to fix any mechanical or take an Uber home. 

Logistics Call:
Time: Jul 3, 2023 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 846 6996 8735
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