CRW Rides are open to members and guests. Guests may attend two rides annually before being required to join the club. Riders are expected to adhere to CRW code of conduct.
This is a Zwift meetup. Registration is via Zwift Companion app. If you didn't receive an invitation on Zwift Companion, contact the ride leader at least one day BEFORE the ride. Registering here is not necessary.
Attendees: We welcome your feedback about your event experience here: Ride Feedback Form
Ride Description:
No, sorry, this isn't the annual multi-stage event. After last week's climb we're having a long flat ride around the perimeter of Zwift's imagined rider's paradise. 883' over 31 miles.
Route includes Fuego Flats, the south coast, the jungle, the Esses, volcano flats, and Ocean Boulevard. Five sprints to mix it up, the last being for the finish line. No KOMs this week; we'll return to climbing next week.
Rubber band and Discord will be on. If you're not on the CRW Discord server, use the link below for an invitation to join.
CRW Discord Invitation
Once you're in Discord, click on the red CRW server, and open the voice channels. We use the Zwift Rides channel
Ride Start Location:
Your smart trainer
Ride Leader(s):
John O'Dowd 978-760-4705
Zwift Route: